How are human organs printed?

A Swedish company called Selink has found a way to print skin, ears, and liver cells.

Statistics from indicate that there are 2.7 million people in the United States at the moment waiting for new organ transplants, and most of them need a heart or lung transplant.

Selink may have the answer soon because it has invented new methods that enable human organs to be 3D printed.

How did the idea of ​​printing human organs appear?

SELink researchers found that the right mix of synthetic and natural polymers mixed with different materials

It could serve as an ideal environment in which to build new organs and reproduce all types of cells.

By using a unique gel and a series of fibroblasts, the company was able to print human skin

The company also works on producing liver tissue and beta cells that produce the insulin the human body needs to survive.

Selink company steps for printing vital organs

Selink has taken its initial steps in areas such as cancer cell replication that enables to print dozens of cancer models in order to test different treatments and determine what works best for each individual patient.

It was not surprising that within two years, Celink company moved from a small scientific startup in Sweden to a global listed and registered company, and its presence today is in 48 countries.

Selink uses a super-fast, ultra-fine 3D printer that can print a human ear in just 20 minutes.

The approach behind the SELink idea is simple:

What are the gels used to print human organs?

Gels are unique in that they have very distinct properties that are sticky and gelatinous and can be constructed in meshes

It can be manufactured in no time and has a very high tolerance to tensile strength.

The company's printers are unique as they are in the third generation of its BIOX 50 equipment, allowing the construction of layers of only microns with a resolution of one micron.

"Our printer is 10 times cheaper than our competitors," said a researcher named Radwan working for Selink.

In the end though, there are already many companies that are working on 3D printing human cells

It is clear that SELink has advantages that distinguish it from others.
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